If you saw my article on how to get free traffic. I mention Quora being one of my main sources of traffic. Today I going to show you three ways on how you can use it to increase your webpage traffic by using Quora.
So before we go into how to use Quora. We first have to understand. What Quora is?
What is Quora?
Quora is a social question-and-answer website You can basically go on the site. Post a question and then someone can answer your question. Of course that’s not all what Quora is but the majority of it stems from it.
What can you do with Quora?
Well beside posting your questions on the website. You can also answer them. Since this is a social media site. You can interact with other people by joining their spaces. You can post there in their spaces or you can create your own space to post your own content there.
So how do we use Quora to increase my web traffic?
One word” Interactions”. You have to be interactive with the community on Quora. You can’t just show up on the site post your links and expected people to just show up. You have to build trust and also provide value to people that you’re trying to market towards.
Also on a side note. You will get banned if you start posting links on Quora. Build trust before anything else.
How do you do this in Quora?
Very simple, check out the three ways and see how.
1. Answers questions.
This is the main thing I do on Quora to get traffic. I go on the site and take about 20 to 30 minutes everyday check to answer questions.
Now the thing is when you start, you have no creditability so you’ll need to build that with answering questions.
Now to answers question, you’ll have to find questions related to your content so that you’ll be able to answer property.
Another thing is that you should try to answer question that are most recent. So that when someone comes across your answer they would be able to see it first.
To find this question, go by the question then go by the day or week of said question and answer. Also you would find related question on the side which are basically the same question to the one you’re answering now. Just click on those post your answers there.
Make your answer pop. The number one action that I did was post a picture first and had my content at the bottom.
When you do this, it really captures the viewers attention most of the time. People would tend to click on it just to see what’s it about 90 percent of time.
As for the content that I wrote, I would just use my articles to copy and paste them there. However you can just make answer templates and post it there instead. I was just starting out and I did this way because it was easier time wise for me.
2. Joining spaces and interacting
Join a space and interact with people there. In the end of day, you’re trying to gather up an audience so why not go where people hang out. This is a easy way and best way to contact real people.
People who share the same interest as your topics would mostly like check out to see what you got there. Now some spaces don’t allow links so just post your content there for free. Do this daily and you’ll see some traffic to your page.
3. Creating your space
Finally when you build your own online presence on Quora. Create a space where you can post your content unfiltered. You can post your links there without getting banned by Quora and it’s also managed by you.
Another cool thing about making your space is that if you can get enough attraction there. You can monetize your content while promoting on whatever you got there. It’s win-win baby!
In conclusion, Quora is a great place to start getting your audience as well as posting your content there to get viewers. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
However I do have to mention that this isn’t a overnight process so it will take time to gather a following. For me I still have a long way to go but I’ve now gotten enough movement to see results.
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