What Is Affiliate Marketing? How To Get Started

 What is Affiliate Marketing? 

Affiliate marketing is where someone promotes someone else product on the internet. How does this work? Well first off, the person promoting the product gets a special link to themselves and post that link on their page. The consumer clicks on the link then proceeds to buy the product. The person who link the consumers gets a cut of that money from what they paid. 

This is usually about 25% or more. This depends on what affiliate program you’re promoting and how high you are in the program. Ex. would be TubeBuddy. If you managed to sell about 250 to customers. You can sign up for their 50% commission plan. 

Sounds pretty right? Well it is. There’s just one problem though. You have to get people to buy the product that you’re promoting. How do you manage to get someone buy some product that they may or may not need? Well the things is you can’t make people buy it. The thing is you have to make it be indirectly and not directly towards someone.

How could this be done?

You can start with promote products on platforms such as:

  • Blogs
  • Social Media
  • YouTube/Rumble/Odysee

These are some of the platforms you can use to promote the products. 

Why would someone even use these products?

This were you can promote the product by being indirect:

  • You can write a review on how you use the product. 
  • How this product made this much money. 
  • Using this product to promote your services. 

Show how the product is actually of useful to people. Provide value to it. This leads me into an another point on affiliate marketing
Provide value to your audience. 

Give out real information and value that people can actually uses. Build trust with your audience and treat like people that you would try to help face to face. In the end of the day, people go with who they trust.

Don’t just use products that don’t fit your image just a make quick buck. Always be honest and truthful because with a lot of ”guru” who promise people the hope of earning much money without doing much. 

How to get started?

Well you can always start by making:

  • YouTube channel 
  • Blog
  • Social media
  • Answer question on forums

Before you first you promote affiliate links. Promote yourself first. What is it that you do? How can you help with this problem. How would you start with this process? And so on. Build up your name and then you can start promoting affiliate links on side. 

Tips from me 

You shouldn’t make affiliate marketing your main priority. Most of the time, people would click on the link but not buy it. So I wouldn’t expect high numbers of sells in the first couple of months. Instead build your page so that you don’t need to rely on affiliate programs but other sources of revenue.

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