How To Get Free Traffic To Your Page

Want more traffic? Did you just start your own blog, website or even YouTube account but you just can’t get viewers there. Well today I have a way to increase your traffic to your page without paying any ads and it only requires just enough effort.

Table of Contents:

The cheat code is to expand your audience base. That simple. What do I mean by this? Well you don’t need to change your content unless your content is based on YouTube. To which you’re going to have to readapt your content to a blog format.

The method we are going to use is MCD or Mass Content Distribution.

Well like the name suggest. we going to distribution all over the internet. How? Very easy by using these free sites that have lots of traffic to it. 

Websites that have lots of traffic:

  • Blogger 
  • Medium 
  • Tumblr 
  • Quora 
  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Twitter 
  • YouTube
  • Pininterest 

Although there are many sites to uses. I going to show you sites that I’ve use to increase my website traffic personally. So here we go. Starting things of are blog sites. 

1. Blog Websites 

If you have your own blog or website or trying to post your content on. Trying blogging on these websites. 
Blogger (which is the main one I used) is google owned sited host about millions blogs there. It has about 200 million people on it.

The best part is that it’s free to make and use. It only takes a couple of minutes but when you are finished. You can start to posting your content. Copy and paste then boom your done. 

Medium is another blog that I loved to use. Medium is simple and easy to use as well but beside that it has about 60 millions user on it. Another place to get clicks. 

Tumblr is another blog website where you can post your content on. It has about a millions users there. It’s also free and easy to set up. Try it out to expand your audience using these websites. 

If blogs aren’t your thing or you just want more options to choose from. Then I got you cover G. There are other routes to take. Another one would be social media 

2. Social Media

For social media we got about plenty of options to choose from but let’s choose the popular ones. 

Social media:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram. 


If you have Facebook account, you can go and create a Facebook page and start posting your content there. You can share your content and invite your friends there. Wait? You don’t have any friends you say? That’s fine. 


We’ll move on to twitter where you don’t need any.

Twitter is where you can post your tweets. So tweet about how your content is the best out in the entire world!


Last one is Instagram. To be honest you’ll have to have a different approach to this but the rule is basically the same.

In this case, just create short and interesting post about your content in short format. Unfortunately people have a short attention spam there that’s like 30 to 45 seconds at best so you’re going to have to create to wow your viewers attention.   

Also I forgot to mention about stories. Instagram and Facebook have feature where you can post your stories. Which are short format videos to watch from. You can use this to increase more viewers to your content as well. 

3. Q & A Sites. 

The main one that I’m going to talk about today is Quora. There are other website but for this article we will go into the best one that works.

Quora is a site where you can post your question and then you can answer them.

Beside that you can set your own spaces to post content or you can join other spaces as well. It’s a very multipurpose website to grow your profile. There are two main things you want to do in Quora. 

First: Is Set Up Your Own Space And Post Your Content 

Second: Answer Question Related To Your Content. 

4. Link Websites

So these websites are Pinterest and others similar to it. You can create a post there and put your links there to your website there or other platforms that you create from like the ones above you.

5. Other Websites

  • YouTube 
  • Bitchute
  • Odysse

YouTube is the second most visited website with google being the first one. 

So To Recap: Here Are The Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Site

  • Blogger 
  • Medium
  • Tumblr

Social media: 

  • Facebook, 
  • Twitter, 
  • Instagram
  • Reddit 

Q& A or forums: 

  • Quora 
  • Reddit


  • Pininterst.

Videos services:

  • Youtube 
  • Bitchute
  • Odysee 

So there you have it. Ways to increase to your website traffic. I know I didn’t go into the details with each one but I’m saving that for the future. So look out for that. For now you have the idea on where to start.

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2 thoughts on “How To Get Free Traffic To Your Page”

  1. Pingback: How To Get Traffic From Quora –

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