Three Free Blog Websites To Get Started In 2022

Want to start a blog? To write out your stories or to get started on your affiliate marketing journey. One thing that you would need though is a website.

Now getting one would mean you would have to buy a hosting service to launch your website but you don’t have money in the moment. Well that’s we’re I come in. I was like this when I first started out.

I didn’t have money and I want to get started on posting content on the internet but I didn’t have enough money to afford to buy a hosting service.

This got me down and I went on google to search where to find a free blog site. It took about three days to find it to find one and an another week to find the other two.

How To Get A Free Blog Page

What websites am I talking about? 

Well those websites are Blogger, Medium, and Tumblr. These are the websites that I used to get started on posting my content at.

These websites are pretty good for beginners and experts. So in whatever genre of blog content that you’re writing for. These three would be best sites to post your content on to getting started.

Table of contents

1. Blogger

Is Blogger Free?

The first one that I first got started on was Blogger. Blogger is a google owned websites that hosts blogs thru subdomains. To get started on. You login in to your google account, create a new blog, put a name for your subdomain. then boom you got your blog. 
Although I said that is free, it isn’t easy at the beginning. You will figure out on how you would want your blog to look like. By choosing on your website templates and the websites layout. I believe this is pretty hard for newbies like me when I got my start but there are videos online that can help with this process. 

When you’re setting up your domain up. It would show up as subdomain. If you want a custom domain name.

You would have to buy a domain name off some websites such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, HostGator to have your own domain name later on. To make it look legit.

2. Medium 

Is Medium Good?

Medium is a website dedicated to blogs. Unlike blogger, you don’t have to set up your blog website. It’s fairly simple and straightforward compare to blogger. 

How to get started? 

You open an account on your google then set up a new account on medium then you got your own blog page. You post stories easy and format is simple. You can set up on how you would like your homepage look like.

Medium was the second blog site that I used to get started on to posting my online content.

Although I like how easy it is to use. I use medium platform as a second to my blogger website. It’s because I could customize my website a lot more than my medium homepage. It’s preference for me but you can do what you want when first getting started.

3. Tumblr

Is Tumblr Good?

Tumblr is a social networking and blogging website. You can set up your account the same way with the other two above. On Tumblr you can set up your blog page with the free templates and other things. You can chat with other people and join community. You can also post your content on your blog page for people to see it. 

Tumblr is my number three on the list. I don’t use tumblr to much but I do post my content there when I’m there. Although I do notice if you’re trying to get views. It’s best to post short content there and link your blog post to the other two websites above. It’s kind of like Instagram when I use Tumblr. 


In conclusion, it doesn’t matter what blog website you uses. The only important part is that you get started. Just chose one of these three and start posting your content. Blogger, Medium, Tumblr or whatever is you chose in the end to make your first online impact in internet with your words.

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